01522 837266
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We've been providing recording, editing and mastering services to record companies since 1989. Our balance engineers, producers and audio editors are among the best in their field and absolutely passionate about what they do. We share a no compromise attitude to matters of musical and technical quality.

The equipment we use is carefully selected from leading brands, is well maintained and rigged safely and discretely. We believe the technical process should be kept low key so as to not get in the way of the musical work going on.

Our priority at recording sessions is to present musicians with an easy atmosphere in which to perform. We work to achieve an excellent working relationship with players and to establish complete trust in the musical and technical judgment of the production team.

We'd value the opportunity to work with you on a project for your label. Email or phone and speak to us directly.

Example Projects

Davitt Moroney

William Byrd: Complete Keyboard Works


The Nash Ensemble

Mozart Piano Quartets K478 & K493

ASV Gold

Nikolai Demidenko

Chopiin Preludes / Sonata 3


"For sheer sonority, coloour and tonal variation, quite simply the finest on disc."


tel: 01522 837266

email: info@bmp-recording.co.uk